As part of my Intouch Solutions internship, I created a campaign for Humira with a team of interns. I contributed to the design and concepting of the campaign.
The ask: Create an omnichannel marketing communications strategy that reaches the millennial target and empowers them to ask their doctor about Humira to treat their diseases.
This campaign used the millennial persona Jess and created a consumer journey demonstrating how she encounters the WYT (“Worth Your Time”) campaign step by step. This story can be seen in the campaign section of the presentation (page 26-).

With our marketing strategy, we want to motivate millennials to seize control of their lives; to not be passive victims of a disease-dictated life; to use long-term solutions, not short-term; to reject their new normal. Ultimately, this is our disruptive thought: You should live by your own terms.

Before we could begin on creative, we really had to nail down our concept statement and overarching brand idea. It's About Time spurred from a statement in the creative brief that mentioned the idea of "The New Normal." The new normal is when patients break down and accept their symptoms and disease state as something they will ultimately have to live with for the rest of their lives. It made sense, but "The New Normal" did not say enough and it kept having to be explained. Upon doing a guided brainstorm with our mentors, we landed on "It's About Time," because it perfectly encompasses the three reasons mentioned prior.

However, worth and cost do not necessarily have to relate to monetary values. Millennials crave a sense of self and that they are doing what they need to do to help themselves, but we want that to include their health. HUMIRA is easy. There can be no argument that they don't have time, because you administer it twice a month at the same time of your choosing. "Worth Your Time" is pushing the pro-active vs re-active agenda, so there isn't a "too late."

First we PRIME our consumer with unbranded Social and OOH, then we MOBILIZE the consumer by having influencers create interest in the campaign and hashtag. Next we ENGAGE the consumer with the #WorthYourTime and community on the microsite, and on there they learn about HUMIRA. This makes Millennials ADVOCATES and feel empowered to ask their doctor about HUMIRA!

Each creative team member brought forth images to inspire the art direction of the campaign.
These images created a visual starting point for our campaign. Each are bold yet minimal.

We chose to do a specific color for each indication.
Although these indications all had colors at one point, we chose new colors centered around Humira plum. This was our way of creating a fresh brand.
These colors can be seen in our designs and our logo.
The logo has tick marks representing the theme of “time”.
We chose Proxima Nova as our font for this campaign because it is a clean sans serif font.
“Worth Your Time” messaging is used consistently throughout our campaign to tie our executions together.

It was gravely important to us to represent many different walks of life within our campaign. Here are the diverse patients you will see throughout.
Top Left: Michelle, 33, African American, LGBTQIA+, Married with kids, HS
Top Right: Alex, 38, White, Married with Kids, Psoriasis
Top Right: Alex, 38, White, Married with Kids, Psoriasis
Bottom Left: Mara, 30, Pakistani, UC
Bottom Right: Drew, 24, Latino, Chron's
Bottom Right: Drew, 24, Latino, Chron's

Returning to our consumer journey, we will be taking you through the life of Jess and demonstrating how she finds herself interacting with our campaign step by step.
To begin the story, Jess is experiencing a flare up with her Crohn's.

She decides to google chat forums for Crohn’s to find stories from other people experiencing the same symptoms.

Later that day while watching her favorite Youtubers, The Try Guys, she sees a WYT banner ad for Crohn's.
This banner ad encourages her to see the stories of other people experiencing the same symptoms as her.

As you will see throughout our campaign, we use boxes to indicate where each indication's symptoms are present within the body.
We decided on different sub-copy to match each individual personality and indication. Just as you can see here with "Prioritize your Psoriasis," and "Be More Than You're Chron's."
Although these ads can appear on any website used by the consumer based on cookies, we designed these ads keeping both Facebook and YouTube in mind.
54% of 18-34 year-olds visit YouTube at least once per day, making it the third most popular social media platform for daily usage among this age group.
Facebook is the most used social network among US millennials, especially in the higher age range.

While walking to work, Jess passes this billboard and recognizes it from the banner ad she saw before.
These billboards will be placed in urban environments.

While grabbing coffee, Jess scrolls through Instagram and sees an ad from Worth Your Time.

She swipes to read the empowering quotes from people experiencing indications similar to hers. She feels inspired by the people willing to share their stories.
Each patient has a personalized quote that is meant to empower and inspire millennials experiencing similar conditions.
We chose to use Instagram because 71% of Instagram users are under 35.
Consumers are 48% more likely to click on a mobile ad after being exposed to the same ad in an out of home medium.

On Jess's walk home from work, she listens to her favorite NPR health podcast and an ad from Worth Your Time plays during the commercial break. Around 50% if millennials listen to podcasts.

During her walk home, Jess notices the Worth Your Time messaging blended into the environment. She stops to take a photo of it.
Millennials are skeptical of advertising as previously mentioned.

While scrolling through Instagram before falling asleep, Jess sees a post from her favorite Try Guy talking about his journey with AS using the #WYT or #WorthYourTime.
Because 82% of millennials with autoimmune conditions are likely to speak to a doctor about new treatment options as a result of following an influencer, we felt that Zach Kornfeld was the perfect option for many reasons. Not only is he a millennial, he's also a patient with AS. Across 4 main millennial platforms (IG, twitter, Facebook, and Youtube) he has over 10M followers. Zach has an engaged community in his comments of other patients who are happy that someone they have been watching for years can understand what they are going through. With his post, Zach encourages his audience to use #WYT to engage with the AD community while also linking to the landing page. He also stresses the importance of preventative care and talking to a doctor.

On her way to her doctor's appointment, Jess gets to her bus stop a few minutes early. She immediately recognizes this ad because of the "Worth Your Time" messaging.
She reads the ad and, out of curiosity, she scans the QR code. This code takes her to the microsite....